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Local Plumage Joshua Coffy Solo Exhibition

We're eager to start our Fall Art Season. Happily our first show is strictly "for the birds". We've long been orni-centric here and have featured two benefits for the Audubon Society at Nielsen Arts and have found that the neighborhood of Solano Avenue is filled with bird lovers and enthusiasts eager for paintings and photography or any celebration of bird life. So it's with great relish that we announce the solo show of San Francisco painter, Joshua Coffy.

Josh is no stranger to our gallery as he's participated in our last two East Bay All Star Shows and his prints have been a popular retail item in our shop. Now is our chance to feature his original works on the subject of local Bay Area Birds. Josh has a unique mixed media approach to his works and combines his incredible talent with the paint brush with layers of fabric, texture and collage. Join us for Local Plumage the solo works of Joshua Coffy October 21st from 6-8. We're featuring a tea bar for this reception and the artist will be on hand to discuss the works and our love of birds.

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